Thursday, November 8, 2007

loose change

Have you ever had a couple hundred quarters go spilling onto your classroom floor?

While I was still teaching high school students, we had a situation that occured during summer school. It came to my mind earlier today. I thought I would write about it on the blog. The local vending machine rep was in our school to collect the money from the machine and restock it with items. When he returned some items to his truck, he left the money bag sitting on top of the machine.

Well, of course, a student stole the money bag, which contained a significant sum. The police were called to school and a search was started room to room. When they asked for a certain student in my classroom who sat at the back, he rose to leave the room. As he made his way from his chair quarters and other change went everywhere onto the floor. It seems he became aware the police had arrived at school. He was trying to balance the money back on his chair, but when he stood, it all fell to the floor. Busted!!!

I don't really have any words of wisdom to go along with this. It was just a decent story I thought of today. One thing about education is we always have interesting things happening!

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